Three Wire Blog

10 Fall Fun Self-Care Ideas

Written by Marketing Team | Oct 1, 2020 2:02:26 PM

For many people, Autumn is their favorite time of year. The mornings become cool and crisp while the daytime is still often warm. Sipping a hot cup of tea, enjoying a fire with friends, carving pumpkins, and driving around to see beautiful fall foliage are all typical Fall activities- but have you ever thought about enjoying these things as self-care?

We may have to adjust some of our fall activities as we deal with COVID 19 concerns, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t still have tons of fun! Just make sure you take safety precautions while engaging in self-care activities.

Here are some fun, simple ideas to get you started with some seasonal self-care:

  1. Stock up on your favorite cool weather beverages. Tea, spiced apple cider, or seasonal lattes are great to curl your fingers around in cool mornings or evenings. Just steer clear of caffeine too late in the day.
  2. Treat yourself to some cozy socks, pjs, or a nice scarf. Enjoy these items as you curl up with a good book, a favorite tv show, or wear on a walk.
  3. Speaking of walks, consider taking a stroll around your neighborhood and enjoy the fall foliage. Or, maybe you can take a relaxing nature hike on a local trail. Gather items such as acorns, leaves, pinecones or anything else that catches your attention and make a fun craft with them at home.
  4. Carve or paint pumpkins. You can even add inspiration quotes on your pumpkin.
  5. Bake your favorite fall treats.
  6. If you notice that your mood tends to decrease as daylight gets shorter, consider getting a SAD (Seasonal Affect Disorder) light therapy lamp.
  7. Get creative with your cooking and incorporate more seasonal veggies into your menus. Pull out your favorite cool weather recipes. Make extra and freeze some for a day that you don’t feel like cooking and give yourself a break!
  8. Plan a Halloween or fall party within your household or over zoom. Have each participant plan an activity.
  9. Go for a drive and check out the beautiful fall colors! Blast your favorite music and sing to increase the fun!
  10. Purchase some new lotions or oils to keep your skin well hydrated. Use after taking a relaxing shower or bath.