Three Wire Blog

Managing mental health in the workplace during COVID-19

Written by Marketing Team | Nov 2, 2020 1:00:00 PM

COVID-19 has caused in an increase of stress, anxiety, and depression for many Americans. Those who have already been suffering from mental illness face new obstacles in an unfamiliar time.  

As a result of COVID-19, many employees are continuing to adjust to remote work. It is estimated that 31 percent of workers who were employed in early March switched to working at home by the first week of April.  

Working from home can affect an one’s mental health in a number of ways, including: 

  1. Loneliness can be caused by the disconnection and isolation 
  2. Pressure and stress can be caused by the removal of a physical boundary between work and home 
  3. Depression can be caused by the perception of lack of achievement in the workplace 

The mental health effects of the pandemic should not have to continue into the “new normal.” 

Whether in an office or at home, mental health is extremely important in the workplace. Depression-related absenteeism and lost productivity costs U.S. businesses upwards of 23 billion dollars per year. Employees who are happy and healthy are more willing to work to the best of their abilities 

1 in 5 U.S. adults suffer from a mental health problem and only 60% or less of these affected individuals receive therapies. Fortunately, there are actions that companies can take to improve mental health in the workplace. 

Ment4Me and MyAdvisor offers employers a multifaceted approach to mental health solutions. 80% of individuals who receive effective mental health treatment have reported a significant improvement in their life. 


What is Ment4Me? 

Ment4Me is a benefit tool used by employers that supports the mental health of the workforce. MyAdvisor utilizes their vast experience with technology to ensure that all of the programs are available virtually anytime, anywhere. 

The program delivers care plans that simultaneously address primary care and mental health concerns. This increases engagement while reducing health care costs for employers, employees, and their families. The multifaceted approach of Ment4Me meets patients with where they are and helps get them to where they want to be 

The four facets of Ment4Me: 

  1. Educate: Ment4Me provides a trusted resource library from experts at Johns Hopkins Medicine. This provides a multitude of mental health topics to help employees on their journey. 
  2. Diagnose: MyAdvisor provides 24/7/365 access to resources, including Master level mental health triage care coordinators. 
  3. Treat: Ment4Me provides a range of providers from psychiatrists to psychologists to NPs. The tool is designed to alleviate problems with access that are pervasive in traditional insurance networks. 
  4. Manage: By integrating the primary care in your health center with our virtual care mental health providers, Ment4Me provides an approach that puts the patient first.

Advanced technology helps seamlessly connect patients to care representativesMyAdvisor’s in-house system allows for customer flexibility and sustainability. Also, the program is equipped with training manuals, internal care representative chat functions, and a vast library of resources to aid individuals.  

Interested in Ment4MeMyAdvisor contracts with companies looking to offer services to its employees. Contact us to learn more.