September 2020 Newsletter

Written by Marketing Team | Oct 7, 2020 6:58:12 PM

September 15, 2020 | Issue 5

September is National Suicide Prevention Month

Suicide Prevention is everyone’s business. As an American Association of Suicidology accredited crisis center with Three Wire's MyAdvisor, we join the #BeThere movement in support of suicide prevention and intervention. Learn more about suicide prevention resources by visiting #AAS365

Learn More Here


Mental Health Benefits for your employees

Would you like to save your business money and provide mental health services to employees? Learn more about the MyAdvisor MENT4ME partnership solution by visiting us here.

Contact us today!





Insight by Three Wire Systems' Head of Solutions Sales and Strategy

Read Wes Jackson's article on "Why right now is the best time to start planning for post-COVID IT strategies" on Federal News Network.


Read full article here





Post Of The Month

Let's get social! Connect with us on your favorite social channel!


For additional information visit us online, or contact us at or 703.776.9731

Three Wire Systems, LLC, 3130 Fairview Park Drive, Suite 425, Falls Church, VA 22042