
Zeroing in on Zero Trust!

By Marketing Team

When it comes to the safety and security of one’s personal data and information, there are plenty of things to consider. With cybercrimes constantly evolving and increasing in prevalence, organizations need to be more vigilant to find the best ways of safeguarding information. Taking the time to test and assess the effectiveness of new cybersecurity software and tools is essential. Zero Trust is the future of security allowing companies and organizations to keep their employees’, vendors’, and customers’ information as safe as possible. So, what is Zero Trust, why is it beneficial, and who should be using it?  

What is Zero Trust? 

Zero Trust is a security model or a set of system design principles that offer a more robust cybersecurity system. By acknowledging the fact that threats are present both inside as well as outside of traditional network boundaries, Zero Trust security models stay true to their name. A security model that eradicates the notion of placing innate trust in any given entity, service, system, or node. Rather than having lax security measures for some areas rather than others, Zero Trust requires continuous verification of the operational picture using real-time information derived from an array of sources to regulate access as well as other system responses.  

Operating on the premise that a breach has already occurred and/or will occur in the future, the Zero Trust system goes above and beyond to limit access to all entities universally. This ensures that access is limited to only those who are necessary while also searching for irregular and suspicious activity.  

Zero Trust Features 

More specifically, the Zero Trust system achieves those goals by offering the following features: 

  • Embedded Security: One of the top features of Zero Trust is that it embeds comprehensive security.  
  • Continuous Monitoring: Zero Trust provides continuous monitoring of all transactions and interactions. These aspects of the infrastructure were created to focus on protecting critical data in real-time and managing dynamic threats.  
  • Robust Risk-Based Controls: Zero Trust offers granular risk-based access controls, which are designed to assess and eliminate risks of all kinds.  
  • Security Automation: Zero Trust provides coordinated security automation in a coordinated system.  
  • Data-Centric Security: Zero Trust is highly data-centric. This security model enables least-privileged access to be applied to every access. This makes it possible to allow or deny access to resources based on various contextual factors. 

Zero Trust Benefits 

The benefits of Zero Trust Architecture are as follows: 

  • Compliance Support: Zero Trust systems allow organizations to remain in compliance by shielding all users and work-related connections from the internet. This ensures that companies are in compliance with all privacy regulations.  
  • Risk Reduction: Zero Trust systems help boost risk reduction. This is because Zero Trust systems prevent all entities and applications from communicating until they have been verified. This makes systems more secure because they are verified based on immutable properties that must meet predefined specifications.  
  • Access Control of Container and Over Cloud Environments: Since many cybersecurity officers are afraid of switching over to the cloud because it can result in lesser access management and visibility, Zero Trust systems apply security policies based on the communicating workload’s identity. This enables the systems to keep security close to the assets in need of protection, thus allowing the protection to travel with the workload, remaining constant, even as the environment changes.  
  • Lower Risk of Data Breach: Since every entity is treated as equally suspicious, this ensures that every single request is closely evaluated and assessed to ensure its authenticity. Without this trust, even those who manage to breach your system will be unable to access or steal your data or information.  

Who Should Implement Zero Trust Architecture? 

If you are wondering whether you should consider implementing Zero Trust Architecture, the short answer is yes. No matter what type of organization or company you may be running, using Zero Trust Architecture is the best strategy you can use do to ensure that all information and data in your system are protected. Here is a list of those who are top priority: 

  • Financial Institutions: Industries that face a high level of breaches and attacks are at the top of the list. Although financial hackers can gather information from virtually anywhere, an unsecured system in these sectors can lead to immediate catastrophe.  
  • Non-Reputable Companies: Companies looking to boost their levels of reputability should also consider using a Zero Trust system. No matter how great your business idea may be, people will be reluctant to spend their money with you if they feel your company is not reputable or otherwise not secure.  
  • High Turnover Rate Sectors: Companies and sectors that have high turnover rates should also consider investing in Zero Trust Architecture. This is because former/disgruntled employees are often those who contribute to cybersecurity breaches in some way.  
  • Point Solution Reliance: Zero Trust Architecture helps reduce companies’ reliable on point solutions, those who are interested in eliminating or reducing their reliance on these solutions should consider investing in Zero Trust.  

Ready for Zero Trust? 

If you are interested in investing in Zero Trust Architecture, you are in great company. Many organizations have begun using this approach to allow them to create systems that are much more reliable and secure. At Three Wire Systems we go above and beyond to provide our clients with the products and services needed to keep their systems secure and stable, no matter what. Contact us today to schedule a demo!

Tags: Cybersecurity

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