
Why Should You Care About Data Management? 

By Marketing Team

The way that companies manage data has changed drastically over the past decade. Think about how much data flows through facilities each day, each minute. Three Wire’s data management solutions facilitate highly automated management of organizational data to improve, upgrade, and replace current management procedures that often plague organizations.   

More Than Just Technology  

Finding solutions to data management takes a unified approach combining expert-level integration to meet the goals of an organization. But make no mistake - software technology will perform all the functions needed, however, without addressing the human factor in the equation, no data management solution will be effective. Thinking about data management involves not only the platform solutions but also stellar systems training and integration support including user training and assistance.   

Three Wire Key Capabilities  

Three Wire’s focused approach and our ability to respond to customer feedback leads the industry in terms of performance and usability. 

  • Comprehensive Systems training and integration support 
  • Training and assistance to fully and properly manage data  
  • Enterprise level, integrated data protection, and information management solution 
  • Lower capital costs through more efficient and automated use of enterprise-wide storage infrastructure assets 
  • Reduce operating costs through fast application deployment, reduced training time, lower cost of storage media consumables, proactive monitoring, and lower administrative overhead  

Key Benefits for your company  

  • Backup & Recovery For All Sizes Of Business - Designed to meet the needs of any size business, it covers workloads across all locations: hybrid environments include on-premises and multiple cloud providers; physical servers; virtual machines; applications, and databases. 
  • Secondary Storage With Integrated Data Protection - As a software solution that can be used with a customer’s preferred hardware provider. 
  • Value Extension in Secondary Storage - Secondary copies of data can now be used for activities like accelerating Dev/Test routines or performing application migrations. Operations that were previously manual can now be orchestrated and automated, saving customers time and money. 
  • New Business Insights – Allows customers to comply with privacy regulations by detecting and taking action on data risks, use data insights to drive file efficiencies and accountability and gives an enterprise the tools to reveal and extend the value of data across the enterprise. 
  • Tailored Storage Environment To Customized Application and Data Demands - Provides the multi-protocol support required across block, file, and object storage with native application, hypervisor, container, and cloud integration to consolidate storage silos – eliminating data fragmentation issues. 

Three Wire’s focused approach to data and information management and our ability to respond to customer feedback also drives the functionality and features of our products, which leads the industry in terms of performance and usability. Learn more by visiting today.  


Tags: IT Modernization

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